Kamis, 23 Agustus 2012

Ketika Semua Berkumpul

Kita berkumpul.
Menjadi satu, melebur.
Mencoba melebur satu sama lain.

Satu dengan sepuluh, tak tersambung.
Satu dengan dua, cukup baik.
Tiga, empat, lima, dan seterusnya.
Dengan si muda belia kami melebur.
Beberapa. Mengasyikkan.

Tak semua datang.
Tapi setidaknya, 
kembali kami merasakan suatu kebersamaan.
Lama tak kami rasakan.
Kami? Mm..
Aku. Mungkin.
Yang lain? mmm...
Semoga saja merasakan hal yang sama.

Kikuk malu masih menyelimuti kadang.
Tapi setidaknya, berusaha menutupi itu.
Jadi terlihat, bisu.

Ketika semua berkumpul,
Rasa kangen lama tak jumpa,
Meluap begitu saja.
Luber tercecer jatuh ke lantai.
Tawa riuh bergemuruh.
Tapi kadang diam, karena...
Tak menahu apa yang akan diucap.
Haaaa klise.

Ketika semua berkumpul.
Senang juga bisa bertemu mereka.
Walau tak semua kami tau satu sama lain.
Haaaa tak apa lah.

Ketika semua berkumpul.
Aku mencoba tau sedikit tentang mereka.
Sedikitttt saja.
Setidaknya mengerti,
Siapakah mereka itu.

Ketika semua berkumpul.
Puji syukur kami panjatkan.
Berjuta-juta ribu puji syukur aku haturkan kepada-Nya.
Walau kadang masih harus melawan diri sendiri.
Ya, aku akan tetap bersyukur.

Selasa, 14 Agustus 2012

Sue Bird Facts!

  • Since childhood, Sue has had near total recall. Her father calls her an idiot savant. Geno Auriemma says she sees the game the way a coach does—and that he’s never had another player like that.
  • Sue was a two-time All-American at UConn. She was named NCAA Point Guard of the Year three times. Her most embarrassing college memory is her mother dancing in the stands on national television.
  • Sue wears number 10 because she and her sister were both October babies.
  • Sue won the 2002 ESPY as Female College Athlete of the Year.

USA Olympic 2012 Basketball Players

Have you know who the players of USA basketball Olympic team are?
Check this out!
I steal it from the official website of London Olympic. Haha

Bio: Sue Bird (part 2)

At the final Olympic 2012


After the Notre Dame loss, Sue told herself she never wanted to lose again as a Huskie. Incredibly, she didn’t. Sue was sensational in 2001-02, winning the Wade Trophy and Naismith Award as College Player of the Year. The three girls who came to Storrs as freshmen with her—Cash, Jones and Williams—all followed suit by making All-America and Dean’s List. Meanwhile, Taurasi showed signs that she might soon surpass all of them. The Huskies outscored their opponents by an average of 35 points a night, and out-rebounded them by 15. Their smallest margin of victory was nine, against Virginia Tech in a January contest. 

It was in a practice after the Hokies game that the season went into high gear. Auriemma criticized Sue for not contending a shot. She did the unthinkable, and snapped back at her coach. He then ripped into his star, reducing her to tears. Auriemma's outburst was calculated. He had been waiting for Sue to show her emotions for more than three seasons. Now, he hoped, she would finally let it all hang out on the court.

The coach's strategy worked. With Sue running the offense, UConn put on a clinic of intelligent, unselfish basketball the rest of the way. The Huskies finished the regular season leading the nation in offense and defense—a mind-boggling accomplishment at any level of any sport

Bio: Sue Bird (part 1)

With her Olympic 2012 GOLD medal
Everyone loves a winner—which gives fans all the more reason to love Sue Bird. Over eight seasons in high school and college, she won four championships and lost just seven games. As a WNBA rookie, she created a palpable electricity whenever she took the floor, turning the Seattle Storm into a team befitting its name. Hailed as the Mia Hamm of women’s basketball, Sue could end up being that and a whole lot more. This is her story…


Minggu, 12 Agustus 2012

Two Different Result

I really excited watching the women basketball Olympic games. Especially, watching my three favorite players on Earth. Yep, They are SUE BIRD, LINDSAY WHALEN, and BECKY HAMMON.
Dua orang pertama yang saya sebutkan tadi adalah pemain AS dan satu terakhir adalah pemain Russia. Mereka semua sama-sama Guard, sama-sama main di WNBA, dan sama-sama dari Amerika Serikat. Tapi si mbak Becky main di Olimpiade 2012 mewakili Russia. Sedangkan Sue Bird dan Lindsay Whalen mewakili Amerika Serikat.
As what you've known, AS itu adalah "induk" dari bola basket. Disanalah basket dilahirkan. Dan disanalah ada liga bola basket wanita The TOUGHEST on Earth. WNBA. Women National Basketball Assosiation.
Yang paling menyenangkan adalah, pemain-pemain WNBA yang luar biasa itu kebanyakan berasal dari AS. Bukan pemain-pemain import.. ya, walaupun memang ada yang import, tapi ga banyak sih.

Olympians Target

And this is what they are strunggling for..

The Olympic 2012 Gold Medal

Sabtu, 04 Agustus 2012

Dalam Suatu Rumah, Kelak.

Bonjour! Sugeng enjang semua.
Kemarin pas lg surfing di internet saya liat tumblr seseorang yang saya nggak tau dia itu siapa. Tumblr-nya dia lucu. Banyak gambar-gambar inspiratif. Contohnya saja, gambar design interior rumah. Well, it really inspires me to looking for them on google. Hehehe
Sebenernya udah lama sih pengen liat-liat design interior di google. Tapi baru kejadian tadi ini dan semakin semangat karena liat tumblr-nya seseorang itu.
Apa yang saya cari?
Pertama-tamanya saya liat-liat, aku sih nulis di keywordnya: Library Room. Kenapa? Karena saya suka sama buku. Suka aja gitu. Lalu, cari-cari lah saya tentang design interior perpus dalam rumah. Kereeeen!! :D Apalagi yang dinomor 2. Lucunya ada perpus di atas. Jadi tempat konkow sama temen-temen noh kalo gitu caranya. Hahaha

Rabu, 01 Agustus 2012

Ke-salut-an Terhadap Atlet Perempuan

Saya salut sama para atlet perempuan yang tetep bisa tampil cantik dan anggun ketika mereka out the court. Maksudnya, keluar dari lapangan pertandingan alias, lagi enggak tanding. Apalagi kalo pas ada acara formal dan mereka tampil feminin. WOW. Big applause buat mereka. Sometimes i wondering, can i be like that? hehehe.
Tadi pas browsing, saya dapet sebuah foto atlet. Dia anak Olimpiade SEPAKBOLA! banyangkan! tapi dia bisa tampil secantik ini...